Botox for Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

Specializing in the treatment of Hyperhidrosis, including BOTOX® and miraDry.

botox4sweat1Excessive sweating, known under its medical term Hyperhidrosis (HH), is a topic which is rarely thought about. It is an embarrassing condition for many people and sometimes even disabling and could easily ruin one’s social and professional life.

BOTOX® helps control the symptoms of severe underarm sweating when topical medicines do not work well enough by temporarily blocking the chemical signals from the nerves that stimulate the sweat glands. When the sweat glands don’t receive chemical signals, the severe sweating stops. BOTOX® injections are expected to temporarily stop the production of excessive sweat in the treated areas only. Sweat continues to be produced elsewhere.

There are several benefits to using Botox to help combat excessive sweating. One good thing about using Botox for the treatment of hyperhidrosis is that it only requires a simple injection and topical anesthetic is applied to make it a relatively pain free treatment. Patients are able to go back to work immediately.

For some patients, BOTOX® treatments have been shown to decrease sweating by up to 80%. Another advantage of using this form of treatment is that it is generally considered to be quite safe.

Botox for hyperhidrosis typically lasts about six months.

botox4sweat2MiraDry is a newer treatment for hyperhidrosis, the procedure is safe, long-lasting, and has immediate results.

Straightforward, in-office procedure provides lasting results.

Treatment is customized for each underarm with multiple placements of the miraDry Handpiece. The miraDry procedure is non-invasive; it involves no surgical incisions or cuts. Prior to the procedure, temporary markings are placed on the skin to guide treatment, and local anesthesia is administered to the underarms to maintain patient comfort.

The total patient appointment time is generally 60 minutes, with treatment itself taking approximately 40 minutes. Custom software guides you or your staff through the process, making it easy to conduct the procedure.

Most patients notice sweat reduction immediately after the procedure. Two procedures are typically recommended three months apart to maximize the results and duration.

“Hyperhidrosis is a serious medical condition that significantly impacts the lives of millions of people. I did not fully appreciate the prevalence of the condition nor the high level of patient interest in a lasting solution until our practice started offering the procedure.”